If you are thinking about buying selling New Homes in Brampton and other GTA areas, you will find Bob’s experience Very useful in saving you thousands of dollars and your precious time.
When you start your search for a house or a condo you have a lot of questions in your mind and Bob has a checklist that covers most of your questions and gives you more clarity about becoming a homeowner in Canada. Bob Sengar tries to help you get your dream house in your budget and most importantly in a great location where if you have to sell later, you will make lots of money and Has amazing property appreciations as well.
Throughout Bob’s lengthy profession in real estate buying and selling, he actually has constantly served his clients and customers honorably and exceeded their expectations.
Bob Sengar is one of the best real estate agents in Brampton, he has helped so many people over the 15 years and has earned a lot of respect from his clients and made them millions of dollars in real estate investing. When buying a new home from Builder you need to be very careful because builder homes normally do not come with the upgrades and you have to pay lots of money to upgrade your house even the air conditioners are not offered by most of the builders in the purchase price.
Bob Sengar helps you understand what you are getting from the builder and what you need to pay later because certain upgrades like air conditioners are A necessity in households and they can cost you thousands of dollars later on. New Homes for sale in Mississauga or Homes for sale in Brampton sell extremely fast and Bob makes sure that you receive the property right away when it comes for sale in the market so you have an opportunity to go view it and then you can plan to put an offer on it in a timely fashion